Sounding Our Collective Voices: Using Flipgrid as a Tool for Advocacy

Writers Who Care

by Sara B. Kajder

wordcloudWhy Classroom Stories?

I carry the stories of the English classrooms in which I have learned and failed and triumphed.  I have been formed by the students who taught me what it truly meant to put the right book into someone’s hands or to evoke the piece of writing that was necessary and impactful.  And, most importantly, I have been marked by the children who have struggled and who have thrived, both inside and outside of our classroom.  When I share the stories of what we have learned alongside one another, our story can start to do work.  It might evoke questions that lead to greater shared understanding.  It might persuade decision makers to band together to create a change.  It might open thinking about what is possible in high-need public schools.  It might invite someone to want to teach.

We teach in a time that…

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